Kodokan Goshin Jutsu

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E-Book Overview

Kodokan Goshin Jutsu Research Committee, 1987. — 46 p.
The Kodokan Goshin Jutsu is the newest kata, having been created in 1956. It complements Kime-no-Kata and is composed of a number of self defense techniques making use of throws, armlocks, strikes and kicks. These actual combat forms include defenses against all forms of armed or unarmed attacks.

E-Book Content

KODOKAN GOSHIN JUTSU KodokanGoshinJutsu was createdin January,1956. \A/henthe textbookfor Goshin of Tori and Uke and the handlingof weaponswas not Jutsuwas created,the positioning clear. At this time,in orderto unifythis kata,we havepublisheda newtextbook,rewritten to make key points more clear and also adding new picturesto make it easier to understand. July,1987 KodokanGoshinJutsuResearchCommittee FromKodokanJudo* JigoruKano The KodokanGoshin Jutsu is the newest kata, having been created in 1956. lt complementsKime no Kata and is composedof a numberof self defensetechniques makinguse of throws,armlocks,strikesand kicks. These actualcombatforms include defensesagainstall formsof armedor unarmedattacks. INDEX Created Explanation Revised Printed January8, 1956 July15,1987 December 1, 1992 April1999 - PICTURES HAVEBEENTAKEN FROMSHOMEN EXCEPT WHERE DESIGNATED. l. Bowing,Handling of Weapons,KeyPointson Performance of Kata 1. Bowing 1 1 (1) Beginning 1 (2) Ending I 2. Howto handletheweaponsby Ukeat beginning andending 2 3. Keypointswhenchangingfrom unarmedattackto armedattackfor Uke 3 4. Howto handletheweaponbetweenthe techniques 4 5. KeyPointson Performance of Kata 4 ll. AgainstUnarmedAttack 1. WhenHeld (1) Ryote-dori (Two Hand Hold) (2) Hidari Eri-dori (Left Lapel Hold) 7 (3) MigiEri-dori (Right Lapel Hold) I (4) Kataude-dorl (Single Hand Hold) 11 (5) Ushiro Eri-dori (Collar Hold from Behind) 13 (6) Ushiro-jime (Chokefrom Behind) 15 (7) Kakae-dori (Seize and Hold from Behind) 17 2. At a Distance (1) NanameUchi (SlantingStrike) 19 (2) Ago Tsuki (Uppercut) 21 (3) GammenTsuki (ThrustPunchto Face) 23 (4) Mae-geri (FrontKick) 25 (5) 27 Yoko-geri(SideKick) ill AgainstArmedAttack 1. AgainstKnifeAttack (1) Tsukkake(Thrust) 29 (2) Choku-zuki(StraightThrust) 31 (3) Naname-zuki (Slanting Stab) 33 2. AgainstStickAttack (1) Furiage(Upswing againstStick) 35 (2) Furioroshi(Downswing againstStick) 37 (3) Morote-zuki(Two-Hand ThrustagainstStick) 39 3. AgainstPistolAttack (1) Shomen-zuke(Pistolat the Abdomen) 41 (2) Koshi-gamae(Pistolheldat the side) 43 (3) Haimen-zuke(Pistolagainstthe back) 45 I 1. BOWING,HOWTO HANDLETHE WEAPONS BCNATNG ( 1 ) Beginning Uke has a pistolinsidehis judogiand a stick (about3 feet in length,1 inch in diameterand dagger(bladeup) in right hand,pointingend of stick and dagger diagonallydownward. Tori is rightside facing Shomen and Uke is left side. Tori and Uke are apart 5.4 meters (18 feet) and bow to Shomen. Then bow to each other. (2) Ending Uke hold the weaponsin the same way as in the beginning,and standingat the same startingposition. Then bow to each other and bow to Shomen. -1- 2. ANDEND BY UKEAT BEGINNING HOWTO HANDLETHEWEAPONS After bowingto each other,Uke draws his rightfoot back,thenturns to his left 90 degreesfacing Shomen