Be þam Lytlan æþelinge

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E-Book Overview

Edition Tintenfaß, Neckarsteinach, 2010, 96 p.ISBN 978-3-937467-70-2
"Маленький принц" на древнеанглийском языке. Перевод с французского Ф. Кеммлера.
What may at first seem a whimsical effort, Fritz Kemmler's Anglo-Saxon translation of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's classic children's story Le Petit Prince is significant to scholars for two reasons. First, it provides teachers and students of Old English with an effective and pleasant instructional tool, offering a number of advantages over the study of original poems in initial acquisition of the language. Second, it is the latest installment in a popular revival of a tongue dead for almost a millennium.
Because 'Be þam lytlan æþelinge' is all but unique as a translation into, rather than from, Old English, and because it is familiar to native speakers of multiple tongues from personal childhood experience or from parenting, it is an excellent subject for beginning study of the language.
Цитата:''Ic ascige þa cildru þæt hie me willaþ forgiefan for þæm þæ ic þas boc betæhte anum aveaxenan men. Hæbbe ic gode beladunge: þes aweaxena mann is min se besta freon on worulde"

E-Book Content

M id licnessum gefæged be |?am writere Old English Anglo-Saxon A N T O I N E DE S A IN T -E X U P É R Y * )e jjam lyzLxtt te le lin je Mid licnessum gefaged bepam writere Awend o f Frenciscra gereorde on Engliscgereord be Fritz Kemmler CSbttion ^tntenfaft G eliefe ic f>æt he ætfleah m id anum færelde w ildra fugla. Is { k o s bok gecweden on Frenciscra gereorde: Le P e t i t P r in c e Copyright © 1946 by Édition Gallimard, Paris We willdp pancian pamjreondumpæs lytlan æpelingespape bohtonjreolice,freondlice and mildelicepa boc xrpam pe hie wxre awendefullice. Hiera naman and wunungstowe mihtpu her sceawian: Jonathan Abramsohn, Montreal (CDN) | Kees Bolwidt, Amsterdam (NL) | Ma Dolors Llansana Bosch, Igualda, Barcelona (E) | Angel Carrascull, Terrassa (E) | Bernard & Daniele Chaffange, Aix en Provence (F) | Pauline Couture, Ottawa (CDN) | Sylvain Cozzolino, Sannois (F) | Danny Endlich, Seattle, WA (USA) | Antonio Massimo Fragomeni, Roma (I) | Pere Navarro Gomez, Tarragona (E) | Wolfgang Kuhl, M aintal (D) | Jean M ouhanna, Roma (I) | Avichai Nachumi, Kibbutz Beit Kama (IL) | Juan Vélez Nunez, Irunea-Pamplona (E) | Ronald Patel, Frankisch-Crumbach (D) | Anne & Hervé Pierret, Paris (F) | Joao Paulo de Sousa, San Donato Milanese (I) | Thomas Stolz, Bremen (D) | Yogeshwor N ath Upraity & Christine Liénard, Knokke-Heist (B) | Juan Antonio Soler Vilanova, Tamarita de Litera (E). F O R E C W ID E : T O L É O N W E R T H Ic ascige J?a cildru {jæt hie me willajs forgiefan for Jjæm Jje ic J>as boc betæhte anum aweaxenan men. Hæbbe ic gode beladunge: J)es aweaxena mann is min se besta freond on worulde. Hæbbe ic eac oJ)re beladunge: Jaes aweaxena mann mæg ealle f>ing understandan, eac cildra bee. Hæbbe ic eac jjridda beladunge: |>es aweaxena mann wunaj) mid Francum |>ær jjær he is gedrefed mid hungre and cyle. H im is micel Jjearf frofres. G i f ealle jsas beladunga nabbaj) nane nytte, ic betæce Jseos boc J>æm cilde {je © 2010 @ b ition K in te n fafj 69239 Neckarsteinach Tel. / Fax: +49 - 62 29 - 23 22 [email protected] j^es aweaxena mann wæs in geardagum. Ealle aweaxenan men giu cildru wæron: ac feawa habbaf) gemynd {jære timan. And for J)æm ic nu befæste |)eos boc To Léon Werth, Satz: Philipp J. Sauer pa pa hegiet cnapa wæs. Druck: Danuvia Druckhaus Neuburg GmbH ISBN 978-3-937467-70-2 <