E-Book Overview
Slavia, Praha, 2011, sešit4. С. 431-442.
On the basis of acoustic invariant speech analysis (AISA), the permanent spectral characteristicsof the Ukrainian vowels are obtained for various ways of pronunciation including ordinaryspeech, whisper and changing tone. It is shown that the lowest phonemic frequencies due tovocal fold oscillations or to Helmholtz resonance are not associated with persistent sound features.It is conjectured that the only sound invariant is the ratio between formant frequencies,not their absolute values. This analysis is complemented with the computer sound synthesis.It is demonstrated that popular phonetic program Praat gives erroneous results for formant frequenciesso that such software is not recommended for acoustic analysis. We also reveal thatthe acoustic invariants of the Ukrainian sound [ i ] are close to those of English [ I ]. The resultsobtained may be useful for specialists in the field of experimental phonetics and speech modelling.Key words: speech analysis, Praat, speech synthesis, acoustic invariant, formant, linguisticatlas
E-Book Content
6 Vakulenko 1 Ěĺňîä ŕęóńňč÷íčő iíâŕðiŕíňiâ ó äîńëiäćĺííi ăîëîńíčő çâóęiâ óęðŕżíńęîż ěîâč * Ěŕęńčě Îëĺăîâč÷ Âŕęóëĺíęî (Ęčżâ) Acoustic Invariant Method in the Study of Ukrainian Vowels On the basis of acoustic invariant speech analysis (AISA), the permanent spectral characteristics of the Ukrainian vowels are obtained for various ways of pronunciation including ordinary speech, whisper and changing tone. It is shown that the lowest phonemic frequencies due to vocal fold oscillations or to Helmholtz resonance are not associated with persistent sound features. It is conjectured that the only sound invariant is the ratio between formant frequencies, not their absolute values. This analysis is complemented with the computer sound synthesis. It is demonstrated that popular phonetic program Praat gives erroneous results for formant frequencies so that such software is not recommended for acoustic analysis. We also reveal that the acoustic invariants of the Ukrainian sound [ i ] are close to those of English [ I ]. The results obtained may be useful for specialists in the field of experimental phonetics and speech modelling. Key words: speech analysis, Praat, speech synthesis, acoustic invariant, formant, linguistic atlas ßę âłäîěî, ěîâŕ ş ęîěóíłęŕňčâíîţ îńíîâîţ ëţäńüęîż äł˙ëüíîńňł: ŕäćĺ äë˙ îáěłíó łíôîðěŕöłşţ ěč âčęîðčńňîâóşěî ěîâó – çäĺáłëüřîăî ňŕęó, ůî ěŕş çâóęîâó îńíîâó. Ŕ çâóęč ěîâëĺíí˙ – ňł ďĺðřîňâłðíł öĺăëčíęč, ç ˙ęčő ńęëŕäŕşňüń˙ ěîâŕ, – äîńëłäćóş ôîíĺňčęŕ, ńďčðŕţ÷čńü ďðč öüîěó íŕ ôłçč÷íó łíňĺðďðĺňŕöłţ âłäďîâłäíčő ŕęóńňč÷íčő ˙âčů ł ďðîöĺńłâ. Ňîěó ôîíĺňčęó â ďĺâíîěó ńĺíńł ěîćíŕ íŕçâŕňč áŕçîâčě ðîçäłëîě ěîâîçíŕâńňâŕ. Ęðłě ňîăî, ôîíĺňčęŕ ş îńîáëčâîţ ăŕëóççţ íŕóęč: âîíŕ ëĺćčňü íŕ ěĺćł ôłçčęč ňŕ ëłíăâłńňčęč. Ç îäíîăî áîęó, çŕ ěłćíŕðîäíîţ ęëŕńčôłęŕöłşţ PACS (Physics ŕnd Astronomy Classification Scheme), ö˙ íŕóęŕ ş ďłäðîçäłëîě ŕęóńňčęč (żż íîěĺð 43.70 Hs), ŕ îňćĺ, – ôłçčęč. ˛ ęîðčńňóşňüń˙ ôîíĺňčęŕ ôłçč÷íčěč ěĺňîäŕěč äîńëłäćĺíí˙. Íŕ öüîěó íŕăîëîřóâŕâ, çîęðĺěŕ, ł ďðĺäńňŕâíčę Ďðŕçüęîż ëłíăâłńňč÷íîż řęîëč Ě. Ň ð ó á ĺ ö ü ę î é (1960, 7-22): ,,Íŕóęŕ ďðî çâóęč ěîâíîăî ŕęňó, ˙ęŕ ěŕş ńďðŕâó ç ęîíęðĺňíčěč ôiçč÷íčěč ˙âčůŕěč, ďîâčííŕ âčęîðčńňîâóâŕňč ďðčðîäíč÷ł ěĺňîäč...“. Ç łířîăî áîęó, ó ôîíĺňčęč ńóňî ěîâîçíŕâ÷čé îá’şęň âčâ÷ĺíí˙: çâóęč ěîâëĺíí˙. Ë. Á î í ä ŕ ð ę î (2001, 151) çŕóâŕćóş, ůî ,,áŕăŕňî âëŕńňčâîńňĺé ôîíĺňč÷íčő îäčíčöü – ˙ę áč ěč żő íĺ íŕçčâŕëč – çâóęîâčěč ńčăíŕëŕěč, ŕðňčęóë˙ňîðíčěč ćĺńňŕěč ÷č îäčíčö˙ěč ďńčőîëîăł÷íîăî ďðîńňîðó – íĺěîćëčâî çðîçóěłňč áĺç óðŕőóâŕíí˙ żő ăîëîâíîż ôóíęöłż – âčńňóďŕňč â ðîëł ěŕňĺðłŕëüíîăî íîńł˙ íĺěŕňĺðłŕëüíčő âëŕńňčâîńňĺé áóäü-˙ęîăî ďîâłäîěëĺíí˙, ňîáňî â ðîëł ôîðěč ěîâíîăî çíŕ÷ĺíí˙“. Ŕ łíôîðěŕöł˙ ďðî çâóęč ěîâëĺíí˙, îäĺðćŕíŕ â ðĺçóëüňŕňł öčő äîńëłäć