The Handy Geology Answer Book/геология в вопросах и ответах

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E-Book Overview

This book offers clear, detailed explanations of the many fascinating and diverse aspects of geology. The book is written in understandable language, but the answers are not over-simplified. – American Reference Books. The award-winning science writers answer such puzzlers as: What is the theory of continental drift? What are polarity reversals? They deliver captivating reading and easy understanding of the complexities that shaped our planet, as they answer nearly 1,000 of the most often asked questions. Tracing the formation of the universe and the planet, investigating the layers of the Earth, and explaining the formation of mountains and bodies of water are just some of the chapters. Questions and answers are also devoted to volcanoes, fault lines, caves, fossil fuels, world morphological features, and even the geology of other planets. Entertaining and informative, Handy Geology combines vivid, clear writing with a great format.
<strong>Выдержка из предисловия:Courtesy of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, movie audiences have been drawn to a fantasyplace called "Middle Earth," an ever-changing landscape that seems almost alien.The Lord of the Rings may have come from the imagination of two great storytellers,author J. R. R. Tolkien and director Peter Jackson, but the landscape chosen for themovies was real. This enthralling fantasy world was actually New Zealand, a landformed and shaped by two of the most awe-inspiring, yet destructive, forces known tohumans: volcanoes and plate tectonics. This was one instance where geology made amovie even more fascinating.
IntroductionAcknowledgmentsDetails of geologyMeasuring the EarthThe Earth in spaceThe Earth's layersAll about mineralsRock familiesFossils in the rocksFossil fuelsWearing away the EarthBuilding mountainsGeology and waterIce environmentsExamining earthquakesVolcanic eruptionExploring cavesGeology and oceansGeology and solar systemProminent geological features in the Eastern USAProminent geological features in the Western USAProminent geological features in the Northern HemisphereProminent geological features in the Southern HemisphereGeology resourcesGlossary

E-Book Information

  • Pages In File: 458

  • Language: English

  • Topic: 38

  • Library: twirpx

  • Commentary: 956,939

  • Org File Size: 39,358,600

  • Extension: pdf

  • Tags: Горно-геологическая отрасль Геология