E-Book Overview
Cadogan Chess, 1993. — 134 p.
There is no better way to improve your tactical ability than by working out winning combinations in positions taken from Grandmaster games. In this final - and most challenging! - part of his best-selling three-volume course in chess tactics, Russian chess teacher Livshitz provides a wealth of test-yourself positions identified under recurring combinational themes such as diversion, interference, X-ray attack and many more! Solving these positions will stretch your imagination to the full and enable you to test and assess your Chess IQ.
E-Book Content
CADOGAN BOOKS DISTRIBUTION UK / EUROPE / AUSTRALASIA / ASIA / AFRICA Distribution: Grantham Book Services Ltd. Isaac N~lon Way, Alma Park Industrial Estate, Grantham, Lines NG31 9SD. Tel: (01476) 67421; Fax: (01476) 590223. USA / CANADA / LATIN AMERICA / JAPAN Distribution: Macmillan Distribution Center. Front and Brown Streets, Riverside, New Jersey 08075, U.S.A. Tel: (609) 461 6500; Fax: (609) 764 9122. English Translation Copyright © 1993 Ken Neat All Rights Reserved. No pan of this ptIblication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in ~10rm or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying. recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from 1M publisher. Fust edition 1981 Second edition 1993 Reprinted 1996 British Library CataloguiDg-in-Publication Data A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library (applied for) ISBN: 1-85744-002-1 Cover design by McCann-Erickson. courtesy of William Grant and Sons International Typeset in Great Britain by Ken Neat. Durham Printed in Great Britain by BPe Wbeatons Ltd, Exeter CONTENTS btroduction ..... . . vii Combinational Themes: .1 .3 .5 Double Attack . . Discovered Attack Di..'Covered Check Pin . . . . Diversion Decoy .. bterference Defence-elimination Square-vacation .. Line-opening . . . . Ctilization of open files Diagonal-opening . . . Ctilization of open diagonals Smothered mate Blocking .. X-ray . . . . . . Overloading .. Exploiting a back rank weakness Weakness of the second rank .. Intermediate move . . . . . . . . Creation and utilization of passed pawns Breakthrough . . . . . . Simplifying combinations Drawing combinations . . Traps . . . . . . . . . . . Attack on the kingside castled position Attack on the king caught in the centre Destructive combinations .7 .11 . 19 .23 .25 .29 .31 .41 .43 .51 .53 .55 .55 .55 .' .59 .65 .67 .67 .75 .77 .81 .85 .89 .97 103 Index of Players . . . . . 127 v INTRODUCTION Dear Reader! Before you is our third book on chess combinations. We should straight away ::-ae the reservation that, if you are unacquainted with Books 1 and 2, you will find it difficult your own to cope with the tests in this book. lbe arrangement and the tests in this book differ somewhat from those in Books 1 and 2. ~ tests are aimed primarily at players of master strength, or those approaching it. In Russia ~ corresponds to the grades of Candidate Master and Master of Sport (about 200+ on the BCF ;;..-:L-e. or 2200+ on the Elo scale). The system offered was tested for more than ten years with :."a: youth team of the Russian Republic, which in its time included the former W orid Champion _~oly Karpov, grandmasters Balashov, Rashkovsky, Sveshnikov, Timoshchenko and Tsesh~.. and many others who subsequently became well-known players. The essence of the system is as follows. The evaluation of each test is worked out on as-point ~. The highest score of 5 is awarded for a correct solution, including all the most important nriarions. If the solver indicates a subtlety not mentioned in the solution. his score may