Brs Behavioral Science

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E-Book Overview

Prepare for success on the USMLE with this up-to-date resource! Offering current coverage of behavioral science, psychiatry, epidemiology, and related courses, this review book prepares you to rapidly recall key information on the mind-body relationship, and apply that knowledge on the day of the exam. Hundreds of USMLE-style questions with detailed answers and explanations help you prepare. Chapters cover the full range of behavioral science, from growth and development through assessment, specific disorders, therapies, legal and ethical issues, and much more. Each chapter begins with a “Typical Board Question,” which provides an example of how the subject is tested and familiarizes you with what you’re likely to see on the USMLE. This edition conforms with the most recent psychiatric classification system, the DSM-5. More than 700 USMLE-style, clinical vignette questions (many new to this edition), along with detailed answers, are found in Review Tests at the end of each chapter and a Comprehensive Examination at the end of the book. Written in outline format for efficient review and study. An interactive online question bank makes it easy for you to create personalized practice tests to gauge your understanding.

E-Book Content

Beh avioral Scien ce S EVENTH EDITION Beh avioral Scien ce S EVENTH EDITION Barbara Fadem, Ph.D. Pro essor Dep artm en t o Psych iatry Ru tgers New Jersey Medical Sch ool Newark, New Jersey Acqu isition s Editor: Crystal Taylor Produ ct Developm en t Editor: Ch ristin e Fah ey Editorial Assistan t: Brooks Ph elp s Marketin g Man ager: Mich ael McMah on Produ ction Project Man ager: Brid gett Dou gh erty Design Coordin ator: Holly McLau gh lin Man u factu rin g Coordin ator: Margie Orzech Prepress Ven dor: SPi Global Seven th Edition Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Copyrigh t © 2014, 2009, 2005 Lip p in cott, William s & Wilkin s, a Wolters Klu wer bu sin ess. All righ ts reserved. Th is b ook is p rotected by copyrigh t. No p art o th is b ook m ay be rep rodu ced or tran sm itted in an y orm or by an y m ean s, in clu din g as p h otocop ies or scan n ed-in or oth er electron ic cop ies, or u tilized by an y in orm ation storage an d retrieval system with ou t written p erm ission rom th e copyrigh t own er, excep t or brie qu otation s em bodied in critical articles an d reviews. Materials ap p earin g in th is book p rep ared by in d ivid u als as p art o th eir o icial d u ties as U.S. govern m en t em p loyees are n ot covered by th e above-m en tion ed copyrigh t. To requ est p erm ission , p lease con tact Wolters Klu wer at Two Com m erce Squ are, 2001 Market Street, Ph iladelp h ia, PA 19103, via em ail at p erm ission [email protected] , or via ou r website at (p rod u cts an d services). 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Prin ted in Ch in a (or th e Un ited States o Am erica) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Nam es: Fadem , Barb ara, au th or. Title: Beh avioral scien ce / Barbara Fadem . Oth er titles: Board review series. Descrip tion : Seven th edition . | Ph iladelp h ia : Wolters Klu wer, [2017] | Series: BRS | In clu d es bibliograp h ical re eren ces an d in dex. Iden ti iers: LCCN 2015049524 | ISBN 9781496310477 Su b jects: | MESH: Beh avioral Scien ces | Beh avior | Exam in ation Qu estion s | Ou tlin es Classi ication : LCC RC457.2 | NLM WM 18.2 | DDC 616.890076—d c23 LC record available at h ttp :/ / lccn . 2015049524 Th is work is p rovided “as is,” an d th e p u blish er disclaim s an y an d all warran ties, exp ress or im p lied, in clu din g an y warran ties as to accu racy, com p reh en siven ess, or cu rren cy o th e con ten t o th is work. Th is work is n o su bstitu te or