Beh avioral Scien ce S EVENTH EDITION Beh avioral Scien ce S EVENTH EDITION Barbara Fadem, Ph.D. Pro essor Dep artm en t o Psych iatry Ru tgers New Jersey Medical Sch ool Newark, New Jersey Acqu isition s Editor: Crystal Taylor Produ ct Developm en t Editor: Ch ristin e Fah ey Editorial Assistan t: Brooks Ph elp s Marketin g Man ager: Mich ael McMah on Produ ction Project Man ager: Brid gett Dou gh erty Design Coordin ator: Holly McLau gh lin Man u factu rin g Coordin ator: Margie Orzech Prepress Ven dor: SPi Global Seven th Edition Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Copyrigh t © 2014, 2009, 2005 Lip p in cott, William s & Wilkin s, a Wolters Klu wer bu sin ess. All righ ts reserved. Th is b ook is p rotected by copyrigh t. No p art o th is b ook m ay be rep rodu ced or tran sm itted in an y orm or by an y m ean s, in clu din g as p h otocop ies or scan n ed-in or oth er electron ic cop ies, or u tilized by an y in orm ation storage an d retrieval system with ou t written p erm ission rom th e copyrigh t own er, excep t or brie qu otation s em bodied in critical articles an d reviews. Materials ap p earin g in th is book p rep ared by in d ivid u als as p art o th eir o icial d u ties as U.S. govern m en t em p loyees are n ot covered by th e above-m en tion ed copyrigh t. To requ est p erm ission , p lease con tact Wolters Klu wer at Two Com m erce Squ are, 2001 Market Street, Ph iladelp h ia, PA 19103, via em ail at p erm ission
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