E-Book Overview
The Hevajra Tantras and teachings of the 'Path with Its Fruit' (lam 'bras) that originated in India have been central practices of Tibetan tantric Buddhism for a millenium. The Tibetans translated eight Hevajra transmissions with their tantras, commentaries, rituals, and instructions and authored countless scriptures in the context of the tantra and the 'Path with Its Fruit' that originated with the Indian Mahasiddha Virupa. Drawing on title lists (dkar chag), colophones, and commentaries authored between the 11th and 17th centuries, the author attempts a reconstruction of the Indian and Tibetan corpora of these transmissions, its literary history and relations to one another.
E-Book Content
Jan-Ulrich Sobisch Hevajra and Lam ‘bras Literature of India and Tibet as Seen Through the Eyes of A-mes-zhabs Sobisch Hevajra and L a m fbras Literature of India and Tibet Contributions to Tibetan Studies Edited by David P. Jackson and Franz-Karl Ehrhard Volume 6 WIESBADEN 2008 DR. LUDWIG REICHERT VERLAG Hevajra and Lam cbras Literature of India and Tibet as Seen Through the Eyes of A-mes-zhabs by Jan-U lrich Sobisch WIESBADEN 2008 DR. LUDWIG REICHERT VERLAG ’Gedruckt im t U nterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft Bibliografische Inform ation der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.ddb.de abrufbar. Gedruckt auf säurefreiem Papier (alterungsbeständig-pH73neutral) © 2008 Dr. L u d w ig R eichert Verlag W iesbaden w w w .reich ert-verlag.de IS B N : 9 7 8 -3 -8 9 5 0 0 -6 5 2 -4 D as W erk einschließ lich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede V erw ertung außerhalb der engen G ren zen des U rh eb errech tsgesetzes ist oh n e Z u stim m u n g des Verlages u nzulässig und strafbar. D as gilt in sb e son dere für Vervielfältigungen, Ü b ersetzu n gen , M ikroverfilm u ngen und die E insp eich erun g und V erarbeitung in elektronischen System en. D ruck: M em m in ger M ed ien C en tru m A G Printed in G erm any typical depiction of A-mes-zhabs (with sideburns) miniature from the manuscripts of A-mes-zhabs’ works vol. tsha{b), no. 23, fol. lv right Table of Contents General introduction to the transmission of the Hevajra teachings..................................... 1 General introduction to the transmission of the Path with Its Fruit teach in g s...............14 Short note on divisions and numbers in this b o o k ...............................................................19 P art I: Hevajra literature of India and Tibet as seen through the eyes of A-mes-zhabs 21 Chapter 1: The NOTES on the Hevajra literature .......................................................... 21 (a) The introduction of the NOTES................................................................................... 21 (b) The “four great transmissions” ................................................................................... 22 (c) The Hevajra tan tras...................................................................................................... 28 (d) The “six great chariot systems” ................................................................................. 30 (e) Dombiheruka’s cycle of Hevajra teachings .............................................................. 32 (f) mTsho-skyes-(rdo-rje)’s cycle of Hevajra teachings ................................................35 (g) Nag-po-pa’s cycle of Hevajra teachings.....................................................................36 (h) Shanti-pa’s cycle of Hevajra teachings.......................................................................40 (i) sNyan-grags-bzang-po’s cycle