The Electromagnetic Field

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PAGES MISSING WITHIN THE BOOK ONLY ijgOU_1 ^ co 58398 m OSMANIA TTNIVERSITY LIBRARY Call No. J'3 tf-3 SSSf&i Author /tfll4>*F. The equation express3. The Vector Force F Expressed as while each r t k ing the where component i,j, in a direction s of a vector k are unit vectors in the directions C = CX S By of the co-ordinate axes, cos (s,x)+C y cos (s,y)+C s cos (s,z) is . comparison of this equation with the equation dx.tft d$_d. sions for the effect of one group of charges e-t on a second group of e FIG. 5. The components charges e t the groups - may of force on a charge e due to a complex of polarization p also be given simpler approximate forms when the when each of distances between the charges of i.e., one group are small compared to the least distance to any charge of the other group. The force due to the first complex on a charge ei of the secis ond complex a complex, is given by IJ, Problem 6iV$ * See Part 4 of this chapter. COMPLEXES OF CHARGE where $ is o the potential due to the charges e ; and where Et is the d of the electrostatic intensity E due to the , value at the location of charges e The force thus given by } . F on the second complex due -to the first complex is FIG. 6. (Taken by permission from Jeans, Electricity and Magnetism) be some point within the second complex, and let It be vectors locating e l with respect to 0. Then this