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FESTKORPERPROBLEME XXII ADVANCES IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS FESTKORPER PROBLEME XXll ADVANCES IH SOLID STATE PHYSICS Plenary Lectures of the 46th Annual Meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG) and of the Divisions "Semiconductor Physics" "Metal Physics" "Low Temperature Physics" "Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics" "Thin Films" "Surface Physics" "Magnetism" Miinster, March 29-April 2, 1982 Edited by P. Grosse Aachen With 226 figures Vieweg ISSN 0430-3393 All rights reserved © Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Braunschweig 1982 No part o f this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright holder. Set by Vieweg, Braunschweig Printed by Lengericher Handelsdruckerei, Lengerich Bookbinder: W. Langeliiddecke, Braunschweig Cover design: Barbara Seebohm, Braunschweig Printed in Germany-West ISBN 3-528-08028-0 Dedicated to the Former Editors o f this Series: Prof. Fritz Sauter on the occasion o fhis 75th birthday Prof. Otfried Madelung on the occasion of his 60th birthday Foreword 1954 when the first volume o f this series, entitled ,,Halbleiterprobleme" was edited by Walter Schottky the contents o f the contributions referred only to the subject o f semiconductor physics. Later on the series was opened more and more to general solid state physics and, therefore, the title o f the series was changed into ,,Festk6rperprobleme". This opening under the editorial o f F. Sauter and later o f O. Madelung was due to the fact that the occupation with semiconductors had stimulated a wide field o f scientific work in theoretical and experimental physics, beside all the problems o f semiconductor technology. Semiconductors show nearly all characteristic phenomena o f solid state physics and they can be approached by many different kinds o f experiments because o f the very high standard o f the preparation methods. Now, in 1982, the volume XXII o f ,,Festk6rperprobleme" contains two contributions dealing not directly with solid state problems: the papers o f M. Ducloy "Nonlinear Optical Phase Conjugation" and o f K. Schulten "Magnetic Field Effects in Chemistry and Biology". These subjects have been presented as plenary talks during the 46th Annual Meeting o f the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. Those problems may be o fgreat interest for solid state physicists, too. V. Dohm and R. Folk report their ingenious, theoretical work to solve some puzzle in the description o f the phase transition o f helium near the ~-point. This work was honored with the Walter-Schottky-prize 1982. The remaining ten reviews refer to solid-state-physics: organic solids, amorphous silicon, transport phenomena in thin layers, optical phenomena o f surfaces, and some remarkable progress on the chemical structure o f deep-level defects, presented by M. Scheffler. The editor is very happy, that again many colleagues o f the industrial laboratories have contributed to the conference and, by their manuscripts, to the ,,Festk6rperprobleme". It is one o f the most important tasks o f our Division "Semiconductor Physics" to stimulate the communication and interaction o f physicists working in laboratories o f the industry, o f public research centers,and o f universities! V It is a pleasure for me to thank the publisher and the authors for their cooperation, to thank the coworkers of my institute, my colleagues of our departement in Aachen, and my colleagues of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft for their assistance during tlie organization of the conference and in editing the ,,Festk6rperprobleme". Mainly, however, I give my thanks t o Joachim Treusch, the former chairman, who had advised and assisted me "en gros et en d6tail", so that the work of our D