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FESTKORPERPROBLEME XX ADVANCES IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS FESTKiiRPER PROBLEXX ADVAHCES IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS Plenary Lectures of the Divisions "Semiconductor Physics" "Metal Physics'" "'Low Temperature Physics" "Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics" "Magnetism" of the German Physical Society Freudenstadt, March 24-28, 1980 Edited by J. Treusch, Dortmund With 310 figures Vieweg CIP-Kurztitelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek Festk6rper-Probleme = Advances in solid state physics. - Braunschweig: Vieweg. ISSN 0430-3393 Bis Bd. 15 auch bei Pergamon Press, Oxford, Elmsford, T o r o n t o , Sydney. NE: PT 2 0 . Plenary lectures of the Divisions Semiconductor Physics, Metal Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, Magnetism of the German Physical Society, Freudenstadt, March 24-28, 1 9 8 0 . - 1 9 8 0 . ISBN 3-528-08026-4 NE: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft/Fachausschu~ Halbleiterphysik; Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft/Fachau sschuf~ Metallphysik ISSN 0430-3393 All rights reserved © Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Braunschweig, 1979 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright holder. Set by Vieweg, Braunschweig Printed by E. Hunold, Braunschweig Bookbinder: W. Langeliiddecke, Braunschweig Cover dcsign: Barbara Seebohm, Braunschweig Printed in Germany-West ISBN 3-528-08026-4 Foreword Volume XX o f "Festk6rperprobleme/Advances in Soiid State Physics" presents a selection o f invited papers delivered at the Springmeeting o f the Solid State Divisions o f the German PhysicalSociety in Freudenstadt, 1980. Real semiconductors, i.e. semiconductors with deep centers, defects, surfaces interfaces and even defects at surfaces are treated from various points o f views: nuclear methods to measure inner fields and defects, EXAFS to measure bonding geometry, deep centers in I I I - V compounds, theory o f surface states, charge transfer reactions at surfaces, and laser annealing are representative topics. Devices and technology are treated in three talks concerning X-ray lithography, fibre-optic communication systems,and the use of lasers in pollution studies. Optical and photoelectrical properties o f organics, Wigner-condensation in semiconductors, charge-density waves in transition metal compounds, mixed valence compounds and quasi-one dimensional metals are treated in the concluding papers, showing the strong interrelation between the different branches of Solid State Physics. The Walter-Schottky prize for outstanding contributions to Solid State Sciences has been given to Klaus Funke whose article on "Elementary Steps o f Cation Motion in AgI-Type Solid Electrolytes" opens this volume. It is a pleasure to thank all authors and the Vieweg-Verlag for their effective cooperation, which made publication possible only three months after the Freudenstadtmeeting. Joachirn Treusch V Contents If,. Funke Elementary Steps of Cation Motion in Agl-Type Solid Electrolytes H.-J. StOckmann, P. Heit]ans, 11. Ackermann Internal Fields, Defects,and Motions, Studied by Nuclear Methods 19 P. Rabe, R. Haensel The Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure and its Applicability for Structural Analysis 43 U. Kaufmann, J. Schneider Optical and ESR Spectroscopy o f Deep Defects in I I I - V Semiconductors 87 J. Pol!mann On the Electronic Structure of Semiconductor Surfaces, Interfaces and Defects at Surfaces or Interfaces 117 W. Go'pel Charge Transfer Reactions on Semiconductor Surfaces 177 G. A . Rozgonyi Laser Annealing o f Semiconductors 229 A. Heuberger, H.