Festkörperprobleme 13: Plenary Lectures Of The Divisions “semiconductor Physics”, “surface Physics”, “low Temperature Physics”, “high Polymers”, “thermodynamics And Statistical Mechanics” Of The German Physical Society Münster, March 19–24, 1973

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FESTKORPERPROBLEME XlII ADVANCES IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS elm FESTKORPER PROBLEME}{II ADVANCESIN SOLID STATE PHYSICS Plenary Lectures of the Divisions "Semiconductor Physics", "'Surface Physics", "'Low Temperature Physics", "High Polymers", "Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics" of the German Physical Society Mi~nster, March 19-24, 1973 Edited by H. J. Queisser, Stuttgart With 199 figures Pergamon Vieweg Pergamon Press L t d . , Headington Hill H a l l , O x f o r d O X 3 0 B W Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523 Pergamon of Canada L t d . , 207, Queen's Quay West, T o r o n t o 1, Canada Pergamon Press (Aust.) Ptv. L t d . , 19a Rushcutters Bay, Sydney, N.S.W. 2011 Friedr. Vieweg + Sohn G m b H , Burgplatz 1, D-33 Braunschweig, Germany-West 1973 All rights reserved Copyright © 1 9 7 3 by Friedr. Vieweg + Sohn G m b H , Verlag, Braunschweig Library o f Congress Catalog Card N o . 64-51891 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission o f the copyright holder. Set by Friedr. Vieweg + Sohn GmbH, Braunschweig Printed by E. Hunold, Braunschweig Bookbinder: W..Langeliiddecke, Braunschweig Cover design: Barbara Seebohm, Braunschweig Printed in Germany-West ISBN 0 0 8 017293 8 Pergamon ISBN 3 5 2 8 08019 1 Vieweg Foreword The elected chairman o f the Semiconductor Division of the G e r m a n Physical Society also serves as e d i t o r of this series. I took office as successor to Otfried Madelung, whom I sincerely t h a n k for his many years o f fruitful w o r k . This v o l u m e contains once again a collection from the invited papers delivered a t the j o i n t spring meeting of the solid state divisions o f the German Physical Society. The t o t a l n u m b e r of plenary t a l k s has risen so sharply that n o t all of them c a n be p r i n t e d ; the book w o u l d have become excessively voluminous. The necessary selection favors semic o n d u c t o r physics, acknowledging the tradition of this series w h i c h began with Walter Schottky's editing. Surface phenomena are also stressed because there were j o i n t sessions o f the surface physics and semiconductor divisions a t this meeting. International interest in this series naturally centered o n articles w r i t t e n in English. It was therefore recommended to the authors that this language s h o u l d be preferred from now on. Thus, all articles in this v o l u m e are in English. I t h a n k the a u t h o r s for this e x t r a effort. I am also grateful to Vieweg-Pergamon for t h e i r now proverbially efficient and speedy publishing job. Hans-Joachim Queisser Miinster, March 1973 Contents A . D. Yoffe Electronic Properties o f Two-Dimensional Solids: The Layer Type Transition Metal Dichalcogenides H. ~ Zeller Electronic Properties o f One-Dimensional Solid State Systems 31 .4. Onton Compound Semiconductor Alloys 59 D. Langbein Van der Waals Attraction In and Between Solids 85 J. Bille Properties o f Highly Excited Semiconductors (Experimental Aspects) 111 H. Biittner Properties o f Highly Excited Semiconductors (Theoretical Aspects) 145 U. Sc~r6der Binding Energy o f Excitons Bound to Defects 171 /9. W./_,anger Photoelectron Spectroscopy o f Solids 193 G. Dorda Surface Quantization in Semiconductors 215 I¢. M6nch On the Physics of Clean Silicon Surfaces 241 F. Forstmann Low-Energy Electron Diffraction for Surface Structure Analysis 275 A. Goetzberger and M. Schulz Fundamentals o f MOS Technology