Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals

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E-Book Overview

This book is a response to those instructors who feel that calculus textbooks are too big. In writing the book James Stewart asked himself:What is essential for a three-semester calculus course for scientists and engineers? Stewart's ESSENTIAL CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS offers a concise approach to teaching calculus, focusing on major concepts and supporting those with precise definitions, patient explanations, and carefully graded problems. ESSENTIAL CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS is only 850 pages-two-thirds the size of Stewart's other calculus texts (CALCULUS, Fifth Edition and CALCULUS, EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, Fifth Edition)-yet it contains almost all of the same topics. The author achieved this relative brevity mainly by condensing the exposition and by putting some of the features on the website Despite the reduced size of the book, there is still a modern flavor: Conceptual understanding and technology are not neglected, though they are not as prominent as in Stewart's other books. ESSENTIAL CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS has been written with the same attention to detail, eye for innovation, and meticulous accuracy that have made Stewart's textbooks the best-selling calculus texts in the world.

E-Book Content

Expand your learning experience with the Tools for Enriching Calculus CD-ROM The Tools for Enriching Calculus CD-ROM is the ideal complement to Essential Calculus. This innovative learning tool uses a discovery and exploratory approach to help you explore calculus in new ways. Visuals and Modules on the CD-ROM provide geometric visualizations and graphical applications to enrich your understanding of major concepts. Exercises and examples, built from the content in the applets, take a discovery approach, allowing you to explore open-ended questions about the way certain mathematical objects behave. The CD-ROM’s simulation modules include audio explanations of the concept, along with exercises, examples, and instructions. Tools for Enriching Calculus also contains Homework Hints for representative exercises from the text (indicated in blue in the text). Hours of interactive video instruction! Interactive Video Skillbuilder CD-ROM The Interactive Video Skillbuilder CD-ROM contains more than eight hours of video instruction.The problems worked during each video lesson are shown first so that you can try working them before watching the solution.To help you evaluate your progress, each section of the text contains a ten-question web quiz (the results of which can be e-mailed to your instructor), and each chapter contains a chapter test, with answers to every problem. Icons in the text direct you to examples that are worked out on the CD-ROM. If you would like to purchase these resources, visit Just what you need to know now! ThomsonNOW™ for Stewart’s Essential Calculus ThomsonNOW provides text-specific, interactive, web-based homework problems. Simple to use, ThomsonNOW allows you to work with real math notation in real time, providing instant analysis and feedback.When you get stuck on a particular problem or concept, you need only log on to vMentor™, accessed through ThomsonNOW, where you can talk (using your own computer microphones) to vMentor tutors who will skillfully guide you through the problem using an interactive whiteboard for illustration. If you would like to purchase 1pass™ access to this resource, visit REFERENCE PAGES Cut here and keep for reference ALGEBRA G E O M E T RY ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS GEOMETRIC FORMULAS a c ad bc b d bd a a d ad b c b c bc d a b c ab ac a c a c b b b Formulas for area A, circumference C, and volume V: Triangle 1 A 2 bh 1 2 ab sin a EXPONENTS AN