A Greek-english Lexicon Of The Septuagint

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E-Book Overview

This complete lexicon supercedes its two earlier editions (1993; 2002). - The entire Septuagint, including the apocrypha, is covered. - For the books of Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, and Judges the so-called Antiochene edition is fully covered in addition to the data as found in the standard edition by Rahlfs. - Also fully covered are the two versions of Tobit, Esther, and Daniel. - Based on the critically established Gottingen edition where it is available. If not, Rahlfs's edition is used. - For close to 60% of a total of 9,550 headwords all the passages occurring in the LXX are either quoted or mentioned. - A fully fledged lexicon, not a glossary merely listing translation equivalents in English. - Senses defined. - Important lexicographical data such as synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, distinction between literal and figurative, combinations with prepositions, noun cases, syntagmatic information such as what kind of direct or indirect objects a given verb takes, what kind of nouns a given adjective is used with, and much more information abundantly presented and illustrated with quotes, mostly translated. - High-frequency lexemes such as prepositions and conjunctions fully analysed. - Data on contemporary Koine and Jewish Greek including the New Testament taken into account. - Morphological information provided: various tenses of verbs, genitive forms of nouns etc. - Substantive references to the current scientific literature. An indispensable tool for students of the Septuagint, the New Testament, Hellenistic Judaism, and the Greek language.

E-Book Content

A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON o f the SEPTUAGINT T. M U R A O K A A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON of the SEPTUAGINT PEETERS LOUVAIN - PARIS - WALPOLE, MA 2009 A CIP record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-90-429-2248-8 D. 2009/0602/87 © PEETERS, Bondgenotenlaan 153, 3000 Leuven, Belgium All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or translated in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, microfiche or any other means without written permission form the publisher PRINTED IN BELGIUM Peeters, Warotstraat 50, B-3020 Herent To Keiko m y wife, w h o has suffered m e so long and w h o has suffered w i t h m e a n d for m e so m u c h . INTRODUCTION* There is now hardly any need to justify the compiling of a Septuagint lexicon. The need of a modern scien­ tific Septuagint lexicon was justly recognised by many leading scholars and by the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. Since one could hardly disagree with Schlirer, who says: "Die Grundlage aller judisch-hellenistischen Bildung ist die alte anonyme griechische Ubersetzung der heiligen Schriften, die unter dem Namen der Septuaginta .. bekannt und durch die Uberlieferung der christlichen Kirche uns vollstandig erhalten ist. Ohne sie ist das hellenistische Judentum ebenso wenig denkbar, wie die evangelische Kirche Deutschlands ohne Luthers deutsche Bibelubersetzung," one wonders how much longer the serious scientific study of this document could be contemplated without the proper tools of the trade such as a dictionary and a grammar. Whatever merits one may still accord to Schleusner's justly famous Lexicon? there is not a shadow of doubt that it needs to be superseded. Apart from the fundamental fact that his diction­ ary is not a dictionary in the usual sense of the term, but rather a collection of philological notes made from the perspective of the H e b r e w word or words which a given Greek word translates in the Septuagint, the lexicon was published decades before the discovery of Greek papyri and inscriptions, which revolutionised our perception of the nature of the language of the Greek Bible. The importance of the Septuagint does not lie merely in its value for historians of