Local Algebra - Multiplicities

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E-Book Overview

This is an English translation of the now classic "Algèbre Locale - Multiplicités" originally published by Springer as LNM 11, in several editions since 1965. It gives a short account of the main theorems of commutative algebra, with emphasis on modules, homological methods and intersection multiplicities ("Tor-formula"). Many modifications to the original French text have been made by the author for this English edition: they make the text easier to read, without changing its intended informal character.

E-Book Content

Jean-Pierre Serre Local Algebra Translated from the French by CheeWhye Chin l l l l l l ul l l l l l l ul l l l l ul l l ~l l l l l FUDAN [email protected] /ml . Springer Jean-Pierre Serre College de France 3 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris, France e-mail: [email protected] Preface Translator: CheeWhye Chin Princeton University Department of Mathematics Princeton, NJ 08544 USA e-mail: [email protected]princeton.edu The present book is an English translation of Alghbre Locale - Multipliciths published by Springer-Verlag as no. 11 of the Lecture Notes series. CIP data applied for Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Serre. Jean-Pierre: Local algebra I Jean-Pierre Serre. Transl. from the French by CheeWhye Chin.- Berlin; Heidelberg; New York; Barcelona; Hong Kong; London; Milan; Paris; Singapore; Tokyo: Springer, 2OfJO (Springer monographs in mathematics) Einheitssacht.: Alg&bre locale ISBN3-54066611-g Mathematics