The Bergsonian Controversy In France, 1900-1914

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cover cover title author publisher isbn10 | asin print isbn13 ebook isbn13 language subject : : : : : : : publication date lcc ddc subject : : : : next page > The Bergsonian Controversy in France, 1900-1914 Grogin, R. C. University of Calgary Press 0919813305 9780919813304 9780585127613 English Bergson, Henri,--1859-1941--Influence, Philosophy, French--20th century. 1988 B2430.B43G76 1988eb 194 Bergson, Henri,--1859-1941--Influence, Philosophy, French--20th century. cover next page > page_iii < previous=""> page_iii next page > Page iii The Bergsonian Controversy in France 1900 1914 R. C. Grogin The University of Calgary Press < previous=""> page_iii next page > page_iv < previous=""> page_iv next page > Page iv © 1988 Robert C. Grogin. All rights reserved ISBN 0-919813-30-5 The University of Calgary Press 2500 University Drive N.W. Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4 Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Main entry under title: The Bergsonian controversy in France, 19001914 Bibliography: p. ISBN 0-919813-30-5 1. Bergson, Henri, 18591941 - Influence. 2. Philosophy, French - 20th century, I. Grogin, Robert C., 1935 B2430.B43B47 1988 194 C88-091255-3 No part of this book may be stored in a retrieval system, translated or reproduced in any form by print, photoprint, microfilm, microfiche, or any other means, without written permission from the publisher. Printed in Canada < previous=""> page_iv next page > page_v < previous=""> page_v next page > Page v For Esther < previous=""> page_v next page > page_vii < previous=""> page_vii next page > Page vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ix Part I Ideas Chapter I. The Revolt Against Mechanism 1 II. "The Philosophy of Today" 21 III. The Occult Revival 37 IV. Creative Evolution 69 Part II Controversies Chapter V. Ancients, Moderns, and Bergsonians 107 VI. The Catholic Revival 139 VII. Rationalists, Anti-Rationalists, and Academicians 175 Epilogue 197 Bibliography 211 < previous=""> page_vii next page > page_viii < previous=""> page_viii next page > Page viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This book has been published with the help of a grant from the Canadian Federation for the Humanities, using funds provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. I would also like to thank the University of Saskatchewan for a grant which made the publication of this book possible. I am particularly grateful to Professor J. M. Porter, of the Department of Political Studies and Professor L. Stewart, of the Department of History, University of Saskatchewan, for reading my manuscript and offering valuable suggestions for improving it. I would also like to thank Jean Horosko and Jacqueline Fraser of the University of Saskatchewan and Sandy Buker of the University of Calgary Press for helping to prepare the final draft of the manuscript. They were a pleasure to work with. Finally, I owe a special debt of gratitude to my wife, Esther, who believed in me and encouraged me every step of the way. < previous=""> page_viii next page > page_ix < previous=""> page_ix next page > Page ix INTRODUCTION Amid all the intellectual controversies before the First World War in France, none was more intense or bitter than the disputes ignited by the philosophy of Henri Bergson. A brillian