Toc: Strategies for Protecting National Critical Infrastructure Assets: A Focus on Problem-Solving......Page 3CONTENTS......Page 11PART 1—UNDERSTANDING THE ENVIRONMENT......Page 39What This Book is About......Page 41Why This Book is Important......Page 42Who Can Benefit From This Book......Page 44How To Use This Book......Page 452 ENVIRONMENTS THAT INFLUENCE THE SECURITY ASSESSMENT: Threats, Western Values, and the National Critical Infrastructure Sectors......Page 512.1–Environments that influence the security assessment......Page 52The Psychology of Terrorism......Page 532.2–Terrorists' long-term strategic objectives......Page 54The Changing Face of Terrorism......Page 62Most Dangerous Terrorist Group in the World......Page 70Safeguarding American Values......Page 732.4–Demography, The American Population......Page 75The Importance of the National Critical Infrastructure Sectors......Page 76The Protection Challenge......Page 77The Importance of Key Assets......Page 79Conclusion......Page 802.3–America's values in contrast with tyranny's oppression......Page 742.5–The protection challenge......Page 78PART II—UNDERSTANDING SECURITY ASSESSMENTS......Page 83Security is About Minimizing Risk......Page 85The Changing Threat Environment......Page 88Corporate America is Adjusting to the Changing Threat Environment......Page 89Which Security Assessment Model is Best?......Page 91Conclusion......Page 92The Security-Assessment Challenge......Page 93Analysis of Several Industry Models......Page 95FEMA Antiterrorism Design Criter