агроэкологическое семеноводство многолетних трав

   Authors: Переправо Н.И. , Золотарев В.Н. , Косолапов В.М. и др.

Cell Signaling Reactions: Single-molecular Kinetic Analysis

   Authors: Yasushi Sako , Masahiro Ueda

(nas Colloquium) The Neurobiology Of Pain

   Authors: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

2008 Amendments To The National Academies' Guidelines For Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research

   Authors: Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Advisory Committee , National Research Council , Institute of Medicine , National Academies

Algal Ecology: Freshwater Benthic Ecosystem

   Authors: R. Jan Stevenson , Max L. Bothwell , Rex L. Lowe , James H. Thorp

общая биология. 9-10 класс

   Authors: Полянский Ю.И.

The Economics Of Salmon Aquaculture

   Authors: Asche Frank , Bjornal Trond.